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Dogs of Berlin

The latest text on a shoot of a series, from the view of an extra:


Entdecke die Mandy in dir

Text on a shoot of a made for TV movie:



Text on a shoot of a series about the Berlin techno scene:


Das Schönste Mädchen der Welt

Gonzo filmcritique on the shoot of a modern adaptation of Cyrano de Bergeracvie:


Keine Zweite Chance

Article on the shoot of a made for TV movie:


8 Tage

Another short story based on the shoot of a series:


Das Pubertier

Text on a shoot of a series, based on literature:



Another text on a shoot of a series for a streaming site:


Berlin Station

Another short story about the shoot of a TV series.
Scene 1:


Scene 2:


The Fifth Estate

Without prior knowledge about the subject of the film Dan K. Sigurd singed on to star as one of the many underpaid extras of the city, in a film that turned out to be "The Fifth Estate", yet another project dealing with the story of Wiki-Leaks and Julian Assange. As he learned of the details of the production from an online enceclopedia Mr. Sigurd accessed on his touchwriter, the scene at the 2007 meeting of the Chaos Computer Club was being shot with him in the background.

Many articles can be found in which the fact that the renowned director Steven Spielberg was merely producing and in no way connected to the content of the film which's script had supposedly been leaked to Julian Assange. According to the media Mr. Assange had threatened the filmmakers with various cyber attacks, should they decide to keep certain scenes he did not like. The film that is officially based on the book of Daniel Domscheid-Berg "Inside Wikileaks", promised to portray him as a dubious figure. But perhaps Assange has been able to shape the film in certain ways with the above mentioned threats...

This film has now been released on DVD and Mr. Sigurd can regrettably be seen prominently during an absurd dialog dealing with the morality of leaking secret documents. The text that was penned within the plentiful shots can be downloaded below and will hopefully enlighten the complicated subject, but might just as well complicate matters further: