News & Events

Upcoming Public Readings and Other News:

The first English language book of Dan K. Sigurd's poetry and prose: 

Of course you can also get all of Dan's books on Amazon: 

Booktour 2024/ 2025:

17th of February at 8 pm in the International Bar - 29 Clanbrassil Street Upper, 23 Wicklow St, Dublin, D02 VH59

18th of February at 8 pm in the Sin é - 15 Ormond Quay Upper, North City, Dublin, D07 YK6A

20th of February at 8 pm in the Board Bar - 29 Clanbrassil Street Upper, Harold's Cross, Dublin 8, D08 E1X9

27th of February at 8 pm in the Seehof - Lichterfelder Allee 55, 14513 Teltow

21st of March at 6 pm in the Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek - Hauptstr. 40, 10827 Berlin

The second German-language book by Dan K. Sigurd was published by the Berlin-based publisher Periplaneta in August 2023: 

The German version of GIVE ME 3 WORDS with translated prose texts and different German poems was published by Periplaneta in March 2022: 

Give me 3 Words and 3 Euros (or whatever you can afford) and I will give you a Poem. Via e-mail or the contact form on this website.
You'll get the poem through the mail, in a special envelope with these novelty stamps on it:

The short film "Seven Percent - A Beautiful Dystopia" won "Best Student Horror" and "Best Making Of" at the U-Horror Film Festival. Find out more following this link 

Mailing-list for informations on upcoming readings, movie screenings, Open Airs and other events:


This is a video of a past reading by Dan K. Sigurd: